Thursday 27 April 2017

The Basil is Back!

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With warmer temperatures and a little more nitrogen, the basil that had been sitting dormant for much of the winter is now flourishing.  We will have a little ready for harvest this week and much more over the next few weeks.

Our lettuce is back to normal production levels as well.  Feel free to put in your order.

This week's harvest

Did You Know?
Basil is a key ingredient for tomato sauces and pesto recipes. A favorite use of pesto in French cooking is in soups.  Italians favor pesto mixed with olive oil and used as a sauce for spaghetti. For a video showing you how to make Fresh Pesto CLICK HERE. Fresh pesto is always better than the store bought version.  Basil and tomatoes are a natural combination.  Use this combination with Pizza.  Another great recipe is to cut a crusty roll in half and add salt, olive oil, a few leaves of basil and slices of fresh tomatoes.  Dress a tomato and mozzarella salad with shredded basil, salt and olive oil.  Basil goes well with sweet peppers, fish dishes, meat dishes, wine-garlic sauces, chicken, in butter as a steak condiment, eggs, and shellfish.  Fresh leaves are great accouterments to any salad, cheese or stuffing recipe. (source)

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©2017 Peak City Gardens, LLC

Thursday 20 April 2017

Microgreen Update

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Microgreens Update

The Celery has germinated and is starting to grow...

We're also experimenting with red oakleaf lettuce to see if it will make a good microgreen.

This week's harvest
Siberian Kale

Siberian Kale



Did You Know?
Siberian kale can be utilized in any recipe calling for kale. It is delicate enough to be used raw in salads yet sturdy enough to stand up to salad dressings. The tender texture and mild flavor of the young leaves are ideal for use in quick stir-fries, salads, juices or atop flatbreads. Full sized leaves work well as a cooked vegetable and can be sautéed, steamed, wilted, fried, dehydrated and even baked. Its flavor pairs well with garlic, shallots, sweet potato, avocado, pancetta, pine nuts, cream based sauces and dressings, butter, olive oil, light bodied vinegars, robust cheeses and fresh herbs such as thyme, sage and rosemary. (source)

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©2017 Peak City Gardens, LLC

Tuesday 11 April 2017


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At the request of one of our restaurant customers, we've started growing microgreens.  In the first experiment, we mixed kale, arugula, red lettuce and beets together in one tray.  They grew, but then stopped after a few weeks.  Now we are working on daikon radish, bull's blood beets, and celery.  The radish grows really well:
The beets are starting to flourish, but we need to plant them more densely next week:
Celery is a slow germinator, so we'll have to let you know in a few weeks how they are doing.  If you are a fan of microgreens, let us know what you'd like and in what quantities.  We'll see if we can grow them for you.

This week's harvest

Did You Know?
MicroGreens are used as a fresh flavor ingredient primarily in fine dining restaurants. These restaurants place a strong emphasis on both the creative presentation and flavor of their dishes. MicroGreens’ delicate, fresh appearance adds beauty and dimension combined with a range of distinct flavor elements. (source)

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©2017 Peak City Gardens, LLC

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Farmer's Markets this weekend

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Farmer's Markets
We'll be at the Woodland Park Farmer's Market on Saturday and at the Colorado Farm and Art Market on Sunday.  Come and see us!

Woodland Park Farmer's Market Info
The market is open from 9am to 1pm on Saturday, April 8 and is located at the Ute Pass Cultural Center, which is next to the library, and across the street from Bierwerks and the Dinosaur Center. Turn at the light onto Fairview.  The Center will be on your right.  The entrance to the parking lot is just past the building.

Colorado Farm and Art Market Info
This Sunday, April 9, we'll be at the Colorado Farm and Art Market.  The market is open from 11am to 2pm and is located at the Cottonwood Center for the Arts, at the corner of Colorado Ave and Corona St., on the east side of downtown Colorado Springs (427 E Colorado Ave.).  If you want to invite your friends, send them to this event on Facebook.  It will give them all the details.

This week's harvest

Did You Know?
You can find 45 things to do with fresh sage here.

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©2017 Peak City Gardens, LLC